Sunday, January 10, 2010


Over the past week I've had a couple of weird dreams. but then again they are not that weird at all. It has really got me to thinking a lot.

In the first dream, I set down to read the bible and study it a little, but when I picked it up and opened it. There was nothing there. All the pages was blank. I got up to get another bible and the same with it. Every page was blank. Every single bible we had didn't have anything in them. I spent the entire dream trying to find a bible and was really confused as to why I couldn't find one with anything in it. The last thing I remember from my dream was hearing "one day you'll not have the word to read so you need to study as much now as you can".

In the second dream, It was night and everyone was starting to lay down and go to sleep. We went through the house turning out the lights, turning off the tv, and went to bed. the next morning when we woke we didn't have any power or running water. We though a mistake had been made pulled all the bills out and made sure everything was paid. We went to my mother in law's and the same had happened at her house too. No power and no running water. No one at all had any. when i woke up from that dream the only thing going through my head was "What would you do if this happened? Will you prepare now?"

I got to thinking about it and both there dreams are about preparing. They both are about pretty much the same dream. Usually I don't remember my dreams but these to have stuck out. I actually forgot about the dream of the bible till today in Sunday School I was reminded of it.

1 comment:

  1. Those are interesting dreams. Bible does tell us that there will come a day when our Bible won't be so accessible.

    Congrats on your new blog! Visit mine sometime.
